22 Years for 2020

22 Years for 2020

Although,Fokai first came into light (relatively) in 1991–it was a 7 year conversation that finally got us started. The Fokai OG logo, designed by Fokai co-founder John Calvo made its debut in commerce with Superbrawl 7 on April 25th–22years ago today.

John would go to compete in the main event against the at-the-tim-UFC CHAMPION Dan Severn. 150 toal Tshirts in black, navy blue, and heather grey were printed on Russel Athletic blanks just 2 days prior. distributed through friends during the weighins and press conference then sold under-the-radar out from roving backpacks during the event. Though Fokai was first (and strangely for some still is) misuderstood as a Fight Club.
Despite the negativities associated with misunderstood fighting sport, Guam as a whole seemed to embrace Fokai as their representative in No Holds Barred Fighting.

Though we prayed to reach stars that are still far away.–we never could iamgine the adventures that would aim and are still aiming to lead us there.

All-terrain.Rocky Roads. Hills and Valleys.Scenic Routes.
Sacrifice.Hard work. Service.
Perseverance. Family Values.Resolution. Brotherhood.

Respect. Loyalty. Honor.